One Holiday To Avoid – So READ! | Books And The New Year
"Punch that ol’ 'Give Up' bully in the schnoz! Hold onto your goals. Your dreams. Give yourself some slack but…"
Apparently, January 10 th is a new holiday. The day the gyms go silent, fast-food drive through lines start to lengthen and the overall feel through the weekend is self-disappointment.
Well, that’s a happy way to start this blog.
But yes, apparently the first 10 th of every year, the sound of bodies hitting metaphorical dirt as wagon wheels roll away into the sunset, thwumping rhythmically as many people’s personal goals get tossed to the rubbish bit with a browning banana peel and their discarded hopes and dreams for a better self.
Let’s go to a kid reference that is simple, yet bold and true:
Just say no!
Say no to giving up the ghost. (Poor ghost – why would anyone give it up? Maybe sticking with the ghost will help it be free, find peace. I think this is getting away from me…)
Say no to abandoning your heart’s desire because it involves actual change.
And thought.
And figuring out.
And fighting for.
Say yes to FIGHTING!!!
Punch that ol’ “Give Up” bully in the schnoz!
Hold onto your goals. Your dreams.
Give yourself some slack but…
That wagon is not racing away from you.
It will actually stop and wait for you to climb back on if you call to it. Adjust your grip to better your chance of staying on, not falling off your goal wagon again.
But if you do, that’s OK!
Just keep trying. Getting back up, dusting of, climbing on. Do again…
Make little changes, keep fighting.
You CAN do it!!
Just keep choosing it in the hard moments.
Make actual changes in your life. Keep working at it.
And do you know what else?
Yep, get some pages of story in to calm with a balm of someone else’s problems and their fights. Do it with deep breaths and your feet up. Even if just for 15 minutes.
And then back to the fray!
For a quick read in crazy fast times, reach for short stories. They are a quick satisfaction, that has a resolution. You can finish them and move on in your day, in your fight. In your life as you build to make it a little more your heart’s desire.
So if you are looking for a good and various breadth of short fiction to snack on in-between your life moments, then go for short story collections. Grab one from your favorite authors, your favorite genres. And get your brain munching away.
And believe me when I say with all sincerity and support, and a warm heart of “it’s hard” understanding – you can do this.
You can.
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