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Are You Ready If They Pop THE Question? | How To Find (Great) Indie Books

Are You Ready If They Pop THE Question? | How To Find (Great) Indie Books

Prepare Yourself

“What are YOU reading?”

There it is.

THE question.

You will be asked it. Truly. Genuinely. By people that trust you. Have supported you in the past. Believe in your opinions and thoughts. Respect your dreams. Are looking to you for the holiest of all reading holies.

Their Next Favorite Book.

So really the bigger question is…

Are you ready if someone pops THE question?

"Yes, if you have just discovered a new favorite book – are you kidding me? Take the opportunity to speak your joy! My only caveat is check the person you are happy-sploding on and peg down your enthusiasm-bomb to a level you think won’t chase them away."

I Am Completely Serious

OK, maybe not completely serious all the time. (Occasional dramatic swooning notwithstanding.)


This is a serious question.

If someone asked you what you are reading, what do you say?

And this is important because look at it from the questioner’s point of view.

They are looking for a book recommendation. They want one. They are already primed to say yes if you are really enjoying the book you are reading.

So there is a real responsibility to that other person based on what you say and how you will react next.

And I have some recommendations on how to approach that question.

The Truth Will Set You (Both) Free

Be honest.

You are not trying to sell a car or feed your family. If you don’t like the book you are reading that much, then say so. (And if you don’t, then personal question: why are you still reading it?)

The Over Gush.

If you like the book you are reading, great! Let them know. But avoid over enthusiasm for something that you are merely enjoying. Save the emotional celebration of true reading ecstasy for…

You’re Reading A Brand New Favorite Book.

Yes, if you have just discovered a new favorite book – are you kidding me? Take the opportunity to speak your joy! My only caveat is check the person you are happy-sploding on and peg down your enthusiasm-bomb to a level you think won’t chase them away. Or they may consider an act of happy violence.

Just In Case: Have A Back-up!

Have a couple of Your Favorite Books on tap for if someone asks you what you are reading and it’s either not that great (why are you reading it?), they already have read the book you’re reading or if you aren’t reading anything at the moment (who are you?!?).

Be ready to give. It will feel awesome for you both!

Beware Prejudgment.

Avoid this phrase at all costs: “I don’t think you would like this book.”

Nope! Not your call.

And you will likely be wrong.

Why? Because if you like something there is a reason why. They might share that reason.

And we have a hard enough time with missing so many of our Next Favorite Books due to our own illusions of not-liking-things barriers, that we don’t need someone else telling us more things we don’t (actually) like.

Your Opinion May Not Matter At All

So just tell people how you feel about a book. Be truthful and take a fun moment to jump up and down about it if you have made a find and your reading heart is soaring.

Be light, be honest and give them some options. Then leave it up to them.

It becomes their choice.

How simple is that!

Give suggestions and set them free to their own continued adventure of book discovery.

Your job is done.

(Dusts off hands with a smile.)

But dear gracious, don’t offer to lend them a book!

(Just say no.)

Plan Aheaders with Gifts & Goodies

Oh, dear reader. I am excited about this next blog.

It’s all about filling your bookshelves with anticipation!

What does that mean?

Well, show up next week and I will gleefully tell you. And have some great book recommendations of my own!

(But when do I not?)

Have a marvelous week and sending so much hope and joy that you are a page turn away from finding Your Next Favorite Book!

Stephanie Writt

Writer, instructor, graphic artist and all around lovely soul, with a generous sense of humor  (yes, I am totally writing this myself), takes delight in sharing her geeky knowledge and ridiculous joy in reading, writing and business. As the current Director of Operation at WMG Publishing Inc., she has the privilege and mischievous pleasure in writing this blog every week. 


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