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Books and Beyond |  How To Find (Great) Indie Books

Author Main Course | How To Find (Great) Indie Books

Meat and Potatoes

I am done with pretense of writing my blogs hungry and trying to subtly weave food references throughout. I’m going straight to the plate.

It’s good to come clean. Be open.

I like food.

I like making food references.

So prepare to feast!!

(And possibly need to grab a snack by the end of this blog.)

(If you can make it that far.)

"Do you want to go to an aquarium with Shamu, Flipper and the shark from Jaws (all three are real creatures, I swear) doing all kinds of flips and giving you an incredible experience. And you can get a t-shirt and a stuffed shark (I totally want one) and a snow cone in dark water blue that stains your mouth and makes you look a little creepy for an hour?"

Would You Like Fries With That? (Yes.)

That isn’t an actual website, as I just tried it as I was typing this and got: The site cannot be reached.

But super good news!

If you put your New Favorite Author’s name right there in the middle of the www and the .com, you likely will get a beautiful buffet of story and series info, and images and behind the scenes, and backstory, and, and, and….

Even some non-Indie authors you can get a good hunk of info about each series. But most of the time it is just additional back cover copy – Join so-and-so as we romp through this universe, and it’d be so cool if you buy this book somewhere…

But that’s not the Main Course I am talking about.

I am talking about THE GOODS.

This isn’t your regular Denny’s patty melt.

(Although old school Denny’s had the patty melt going on! You know, when hamburgers were made of real meat, cheese from milk and onions were fried in something that was at one time an actual food.)

No, this patty melt of author yumminess is a double-stacked meat juice dripping, melted sSwiss oozing, grilled onion pile falling, perfectly toasted collection all held together by the perfect red ribbon topped wooden stick of a ridiculously good author website.

And it you lift that author website bun up and look inside, you will likely find grand and glorious things like…

A blog – a regular write-up with images and insights and deep dives into a book or series, a character, the author’s inspirations and so much more!

Free fiction you can get by your favorite author – often times related to your newly discovered Favorite Book.

Newsletters you can sign-up and receive updates so you don’t have to tap their window repeatedly asking “Did you write the next book yet? Did you write it yet? What about now? Now? How about now?”

And events!

What?!? Events?

Of yes! Giveaways and drawings. Kickstarters and limited offered one time get it before it’s gone stuff. Signings, Zoom meetings, in-person say hellos, and so much more.

Plushie of your favorite character, anyone?

Authors, Indie Authors particularly, are really going all out to make their reader’s experience A-MA-ZING.


Because they love their fans.

And for Indie Authors, they also have the flexibility and the incentive to do so.

Indie means independent.

They get to be creative. They get to be in control.

And they get to see the direct result in revenue.

And it is becoming more and more clear that engaging readers makes for happy readers, that tend to read more books, buy stuff, tell their friends.

Which are more readers. And more.

Do you want to go to an aquarium with Shamu, Flipper and the shark from Jaws (all three are real creatures, I swear) doing all kinds of flips and giving you an incredible experience. And you can get a t-shirt and a stuffed shark (I totally want one) and a snow cone in dark water blue that stains your mouth and makes you look a little creepy for an hour?

You’d tell your friends and wear the shirt again, and gush about it on your social media with tons of fun pics of you being attacked by your stuffed shark.

Oh yeah, you know you’d do it.

Or instead of all of that…

Would you even post about the aquarium you went to that had two goldfish and a seagull eating a can of tuna?

Except to say how lame it was.

(And a little ironic.)

I think not!

Mealous Completeous

So there you have it.

Indie Authors can have righteous websites full of goodies that keep you engaged with your Newest Favorite Book, and gets you psyched for the next one. Keeps you in the loop. In the know.

Keeps that fresh new favorite book smell lingering for weeks after you turned that last page. Helps you get to that next New Favorite Book a little easier.

And how great would it be to be tootling through your email or social media that is filled with scrolls and scrolls of patty melts, and olives and pickles, and everything you click on has Favorite Book fries with that.


That sounds like reader heaven.

Once More Into The Breach Dear Friend!

And so it is on its way. A new and exciting chapter of Your Next Favorite Book!

What will it be? How will she lead us closer, stalking that elusive prey made of pages, experience and imagination?!?

Well, check back next week dear reader and you shall see!!

Until then, so much joy to you and yours.

Stephanie Writt

Writer, instructor, graphic artist and all around lovely soul, with a generous sense of humor  (yes, I am totally writing this myself), takes delight in sharing her geeky knowledge and ridiculous joy in reading, writing and business. As the current Director of Operation at WMG Publishing Inc., she has the privilege and mischievous pleasure in writing this blog every week. 

ROMANCE The Geeky Way!

Geek Romance

Stories of 
Love Amidst the Oddballs 

by Kristine Grayson

Kristine Grayson’s twisted worldview shows itself in these five stories of love, geeks, and happily ever after. In “The Charming Way,” a nerdy Prince Charming falls in love with an Evil Stepmother. “Geeks Bearing Gifts” shows that even Greek Gods need computer dating services sometimes. “Name Calling,” the most “normal” story in the book focuses on a woman who won’t get married until she figures out what to do about her last name. “Knowing Jack,” and “Artistic Photographs,” are a change of pace for Grayson—not Greek Gods, but grifters in lighthearted romances set in the old West.

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