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Books and Beyond | How To Find (Great) Indie Books

If An Author Was An Animal, What Would They Be?

I don’t think you know this...

I was likely a panther in a previous life.

Long, sleek. Dark, dangerous.



I was probably also a gnat.

Persistent, Inquisitive.

Adventurous, exploratory!


(I think the gnat may be closer in my reincarnation timeline than the panther.)

(Do gnats swoon?)

And if you have read my previous blogs you will also know other potentially intriguing items about me. That I like board games, will often make popcorn into a meal instead of a snack (salty goodness) and I like spreading joy. Like butter.

On popcorn.


(I also tend to talk food and then make myself hungry.)

But what has all this listing out of ridiculous and all non-ground breaking fun facts that may or may not be interesting to you about myself have anything to do with Your Favorite Authors?

"It is ridiculously cool, especially if an author is a New Favorite Author and you just finished one of your newest Favorite Books, and you want the post-fantastic-book high to go on a little longer."

More Than Meets the Reader Eye

I have brought up Ms. Roberts (Of the famous Nora variety) on multiple occasions on this blog. I actually just relistened to one of my favorite audiobooks by her that is a basic serial killer going after the one that got away that is mostly focused around the woman and her developing relationship with a man that is on the minorly steamy-side.

Another fun fact about me: I really like romantic suspense of the sweet variety like this one. More relationship building, lots of characters. Less suspense. Like it’s simmering on the back burner until the very end of the book.

But one of my favorite parts about this book that makes it a more unique read than the other thousands of stories with the same girl and guy meet and fall in love while a bad guy is after the girl premise is that…

She works with dogs.

Even more unique, she is a dog trainer.

Even more unique, she trains dogs for a search and rescue team she set up herself…

And there is even more back story than that.

But what the book and the character does is actually teach the dogs in the story, trains the dogs, right there in the book.

I’ve learned more about training dogs from this little romantic jaunt than any set of dog training books I’ve read.


It’s that good!

(Unless Nora’s just making it up, but I don’t think she is.)

So what does this have to do with learning more cool stuff about authors and indie authors?

And Then The Light Shone Down

Where did Nora Roberts get all her information about dog training?

Did she read the books that I read and made more sense out of them?

Did she work with or interview dog trainers?

Spend any time with a search and rescue team and their dogs?

Was someone actually lost when she was with them?

Did they find them?

How long did it take?

Was it raining?

I have soooo many questions.

And no resource for answering. No access to Nora. No place where Nora is giving background info on what actual research she did.

The reviews and notes about the book all say she nailed the dog training and the research she must have done is evident.

But what was her experience?

Enter Indie Authors!

What is new and exciting, and in some ways a huge relief, is that indie authors are doing this amazing thing called communicating with their readers.


Yep! They are actually doing these fun things like newsletters – that they actually write – and blogs – that they actually write – and background info and series bibles and inside/behind the scenes experiences writing and publishing their books – that (you guessed it) they actually write.

Mind blowing, right (write?)?

It is ridiculously cool, especially if an author is a New Favorite Author and you just finished one of your newest Favorite Books, and you want the post-fantastic-book high to go on a little longer.

Or you know the next one is coming out and you are chomping at the bit, but the author is throwing bones of background for you to gnaw on and keep you occupied until the next book is out.

And dear gravy, they often write books and publish them faster than one a year. Or every 10 years.

Or what feels like FOR-E-VER!!

(Patrick Rothfuss and Jane Austen – I am looking at you.)

All The Good Stuff

So indie authors are handing out info about their books like The Chocolate House on Halloween. The one door you know you will knock on and they give out full-sized chocolate candy bars. That they clean out Costco to make the kids in the neighborhood line up in anticipation early in the evening…and then maybe sneak back later in the night to grab another.

And they just smile.


That is these new indie authors.

It is fantastic for readers to have that.

So if Nora was doing that I would actually know. Could actually extend my understanding and the deep experience I’ve had reading (listening to) her book.

But no.

And that is…OK.

I can be at peace with that.

But really enjoy when my other favorite authors give me all the inner tidbits of My Next Favorite Book!

A Welcomed Stalker

But how and where do I get the goods without being a stalker? Where are all the places I can glean this info treasure?

Fantastic question and I will dive deep to the chilling depths where pressure reigns yet, the whales sing and I will tell you…

Next week.

Have a great one, dear readers!

Stephanie Writt

Writer, instructor, graphic artist and all around lovely soul, with a generous sense of humor  (yes, I am totally writing this myself), takes delight in sharing her geeky knowledge and ridiculous joy in reading, writing and business. As the current Director of Operation at WMG Publishing Inc., she has the privilege and mischievous pleasure in writing this blog every week. 

Possibly A Collection That Doesn't Talk About Popcorn At All, But Marvelous Just The Same...

There’ll Be Blue Popcorn Without You!

Stories from Pulphouse Fiction Magazine

Blue Popcorn means sadness and loss and love. In the pages of Pulphouse Fiction Magazine, it also means very weird and entertaining sadness and loss and love.

The ten stories in this volume range from a dweeby guy trying to win the affection of a beautiful woman, to a tale of a solo man in a future world looking for companionship, to a story about art and the crime it reveals.

Running the gamut from science fiction to fantasy to psychological drama, these tales evoke strong emotion.

“A Better Man Than You” by Jerry Oltion and Kent Patterson
“Rose in Dreamland” by Kristine Kathryn Rusch
“Under the Blood-Red Maple” by Joslyn Chase
“A Cherub by Any Other Name” by Annie Reed
“Small Discrete Intervals from a Sample Size of One” by J. Steven York
“A Night Under the Stars” by Lisa Silverthorne
“Bravo and Jazz” by Ron Collins
“The Man Who Married His Wife’s Thigh” by Bonnie Elizabeth
“Virtual Oracle” by Leigh Saunders
“The Pearce Shootout” by Robert J. McCarter

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